Sunday, April 25, 2010

Questionnaire for Survey after the Exhibition...

1. Who should combat the Climate Change?

  • United Nations Organization
  • Government
  • Big Companies
  • NGOs
  • all of us

2. Do my small actions have impact on the environment? (yes / no)
3. What do you do with the polythene carry bags collected at home?

  • reuse them
  • recycle them
  • throw them in garbage
  • burn them

6. Do you switch off lights and fans when you leave a room (yes / no)
7. What is Earth Hour?

8. What is Earth Day?

9. Do you have any cloth bag at home? (yes / no)
10. What do you plan to do for ‘save the planet – save ourselves’ issue?

11. Any suggestions or feedback for us?

Analyzing the outcome of the Project...

We did a survey on 60 people after the Exhibition.
The people included students, teachers and parents chosen at random.
50 people had taken the last survey also, this gave us good picture of our success.
We recorded few of their responses also.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Analyzing the success of the EXHIBITION

Our exhibition “Earth of My Dream…” summed up most of our strategies.
Our Chief Guest was Director of the Pollution Control Board Regional Office, Gwalior Mr. R. K. Gupta, so we involved government agency. 
This event was covered by all the local newspapers, so we involved media also.
We reached more than 3000 people. Our dream was shared by so many people.
Our school management supported it whole-heartedly.
The Mall management was very happy to host our exhibition.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

We the citizens of Gwalior pledge...

After visiting the exhibition everyone wanted to say something or pledge something, we put up a huge pledge form on a 15 feet by 7 feet banner. Anyone who felt inspired by the Exhibition wrote a pledge on this pledge form, this pledge everyone made to herself/himself.
Pledges included, “I will use cloth bag”, “I will drive less, walk more”, “I will take bucket baths”, “I will buy local fruits and vegetables” “I will switch off fans and lamps when I leave room” “I will plant trees in my garden”…

Let's gather pebbles to raise water level...

Thirsty Gwalior: This practical art attracted great interest from everyone. This exhibit depicted the story of thirsty crow adding pebbles to raise water level.
We had a glass jar half filled with water. Visitors would pick up pebbles kept there, read the message, put them in the jar and see the water level coming up. 

Some of the messages written on the pebbles were :
  • Fix leaking taps  
  • Plant more trees 
  • close tap while brushing 
  • bucket bath 
  • wash car with bucket 
  • water harvesting 
  • tell others to save water …

Even you can become angel, you already have a mission ...

Earth Angel: This is our idea to give everyone chance to be the Earth Angel. 
It is just a cutout of cardboard, you stand behind, showing your face through the empty face of the angel and take a photo. Then there is a board showing what Earth Angel does to save mother earth.

What does Earth Angel Do?

Conserve Energy:  “switch off when leaving room ...”
Conserve Water:    “use bucket, mug. Fix leaking taps ...”  
Use Cloth Bag:        “say no to polythene bag ...”  
Recycle-Reuse-Reduce:       “as much possible, every small action counts ...” 
Be a responsible customer: “optimum use of gadgets. buy local fruits & vegetables ...”

The exhibition was our main activity to convey our dream through arts and we had worked very hard for this.

Exhibition had 4 parts:

Collage: Centerpiece of the exhibition was the huge 7 feet by 7 feet collage we had made together, depicting the earth at present and on the other hand the earth of our dream…
This collage really was the artistic expression of our dream... the DREAM we cherish for future! 

We learned: The best way to make a collage is together! This way we stick together pieces and come up with a masterpiece, which individually we can't make or even imagine!

Mother Earth Day : 22 April 2010 ...

Our exhibition “Earth of My Dream…” was a big success more than 3000 people visited the exhibition. Many of them left pledges on the banner. Everyone who visited the exhibition understood the message easily. 
The visitors were gifted duranta plants. Duranta is a decorative plant with high metabolism. This was to offset the carbon footprint of our exhibition and a token of appreciation for visiting the exhibition.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SKIT: Under the Same Sky - Animals Do Matter!

We could not present our skit in the morning special assembly on the ‘Earth Day’, as the vacations started on 19th April. So we took the skit to a Children’s class organized in a residential society. We got two students from class VI to organize it. 
All the children participating in the skit enjoyed it, all the parents who came to watch it enjoyed it and appreciated the initiative. 
Everyone liked the message to create awareness about Bio-Diversity:
We all share the same sky! Animals do matter!

We Learned: Children can come up with fantastic ways to express their thought!

You can read the script and download it at:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Save Earth - Save Ourselves

The Classroom Notice Board decoration on the theme of ‘Save Earth’ went very well. All the Notice Boards were decorated with beautiful posters or collages on the theme. We planned the Collage Competition on 20th April.
Due to sudden heat wave (Climate Change) all the schools went on vacation from 19th April; so we could not have the Collage Competition. We hope to do it in July, when school reopens.