Saturday, January 30, 2010

Some amazing replies in the survey!

These were some replies at the survey, which we thought we must share with everyone!

"If earth becomes warmer, I will switch on my A/C and put it to lowest possible temperature."
  • A student!
"What impact can small actions of one person have? This is responsibility of the Government!"
  • Many adults
"Why should I change my life, if I can afford to waste electricity or water and pay for it, let me!"
  • Some young people
"Yes! I will take care of the Earth!"
  • A child
"Little drops of water make ocean, so our small actions put together can become a revolution."
  • A student
"How to recycle a polythene carry-bag?"
  • Many people
"Who reads those boring articles ‘save water’, ‘save electricity’, etc? Why do they print them?"
  • Some students
"I am young I want to enjoy, not bother about saving earth or saving environment!"
  • Some students
We are just collecting data at this stage, so we can't be judgmental about anyone's reply, even if it is very strange or uninformed!

Friday, January 29, 2010


We did a survey on 100 people chosen at random including students, teachers and parents.
The Questionnaire was as follows:

1. Is Climate Change a real challenge for all of us? (yes / no)
2. Who should combat the Climate Change?
  • United Nations Organization
  • Government
  • Big Companies
  • NGOs
  • all of us
3. Do you read articles about sustainable environment or saving water in newspapers? (yes / no)
4. What do you do with the polythene carry bags collected at home?
reuse them
recycle them
throw them in garbage
burn them
5. Can our small actions have any impact on environment? (yes / no)
6. Number following activities according to the preference you like to do them ( 1-very much and then reducing onwards...)
  • to music
  • a scientific article
  • an art exhibition
  • to academic lecture
  • or debate about climate change

Thursday, January 28, 2010


The Vehicle to success as defined by the Great Dr. Deming says Plan - Do - Check -Act.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Activity Plan Matrix, nothing to with Neo & Trinity!

Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?
We have plan, we have manpower, we have time, we know places and we have know how. Now it is time to put it in action through the MATRIX. Activity Plan Matrix leaves nothing to chance, everything is planned like a clockwork, easy to execute and easier to see results.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Save Earth or Save ourselves?

“What do you think of this motto save the planet?" to this question the author of Alchemist Paulo Coelho says:
"… its quite cynical because, at the end of the day, if we don’t take care of the planet it will destroy us. But we put ourselves in a position that we are saving something and this may be good for our ego but it is ultimately unrealistic. If we don’t care of the planet, we will be destroyed not the planet.”
Paulo Coelho’s blog

So we stand corrected by great author! Now we discussed this and changed the project title to: “earth of my dream…”
we all have a dream of beautiful living earth, nurturing life and promoting growth, generations after generations of mankind, animals, trees and all life forms living together in harmony…

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mapping our Mind

What to do with our dream? How to convey the dream to others? What important points should we include? We mapped our dream using Mind-Map.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

5. One More Video from UNDP India:
"Climate Change: Every Action Counts: Move to Mitigate, Act to Adapt"

More videos ...

Some more videos that impressed us

3. Water Talks by Solidarity International on World Water Day:

4. "Under One Sky" by IFAW for Animal Action Week 2009

Some videos that made impression on us!

We did research on INTERNET to get ideas about how to use art to give message. We got lot of information, we are including some of the videos that made impression on us.

1. Story of Stuff:

2. Declan Galbraith - "Tell me Why"

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pareto Analysis

Solve the Vital Few and you'll take care of even the Important Many.
We did Pareto Analysis of the Votes received. This is what we got.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Democracy in Action..

After shortlisting the Messages we wish to convey through arts, we took votes from 100 students, to understand their choice.Each student chose only one among the choices given below.

  1. Save water
  2. Save environment
  3. Save Mother Earth
  4. Save Girl Child
  5. Climate Change
  6. Plant Trees
  7. Discover Abilities of Disabled People
  8. Educate Girls
The votes were then put in a table to be processed through Pareto Analysis.

Monday, January 11, 2010

What our school stands for!?

Let us declare first of all that we are very proud to be studying at Little Angels High School, Gwalior.
Why? Is it only because we study here? All the schools teach subjects and get trophies in various competitions and all the schools follow some philosophy, but we are proud for everything that our school stands for. Apart from excellence in Academics shown by our students (of course mentored by school management and teachers), our school champions many causes like tree plantation, 'Save Water' cause, cause of Girl Child, cause of Universal Peace, cause of Global Warming, cause of Bio-Diversity, cause of Differently Abled People, cause of Climate Change, cause of Save Earth. 
It is not only in words that our school follows these, our actions speak louder than words. We  celebrate National Girl Child Day every year, we organize many tree plantation campaigns, we have solar lights on the campus, we have one of the biggest functional Water Harvesting system in our school, we get opportunities to work with differently abled people, we organize Model United Nations to discuss Climate Change, our students make beautiful posters and collages on all these issues, our students edit newspapers to raise these topics, the list is endless. We are proud for everything that our school stands for!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

What message do we want to convey through arts?

We stormed our brains again and came up with this list:
Save water
Climate Change
Plant Trees
Educate Girls
Save Girl Child
Discover Abilities of Disabled People
Save environment
Save Mother Earth

Friday, January 8, 2010

Thing of beauty is joy forever!

We looked around our school and realized once again how beautiful our school is.Our directors have a great aesthetic sense. We have a lovely lush green lawn decorated with beautiful terracotta figures; we have beautiful garden full of lovely flowers; our classrooms are decorated with nice educational charts, collages, posters, etc.; our corridors are full of flower pots, beautiful posters and walls painted with bright colours and beautiful quotations are written in expert calligraphic writing.

We have Arts classes, Music classes, Dance classes where students learn to express their most inner thoughts in art-form that is natural to them. We are encouraged to perform skits and songs in morning assembly, thus eve our morning assemblies are full of arts.

So we realized that there is no challenge for ARTS in our school, art in every form is not only encouraged but also nurtured.

So, building upon this strong foundation of arts we wish to use arts for conveying some message, which our school stands for!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Storm our brains and let the ideas flow....

We conducted a Brainstorming session to get ideas for the topic of the project.

Following are some of them:
  1. Training in specialized arts e.g: foreign dances
  2. using arts for studies
  3. introduction of Home economics related to arts (e.g gardening)
  4. arts in social issues
  5. using arts to convey message
  6. increase awareness of arts in students
  7. acceptance of arts stream is limited
  8. going away from arts after class IX
  9. awareness about career in arts
  10. Arts in spreading message of equality of Man & Woman
  11. Arts in spreading message of Climate Change
  12. unleashing creativity through arts
  13. Beauticulture for boys???

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Team 'DREAM'

Student Facilitators:
Miss. Krati Jain
Miss. Mansi Jain
Student members:
Miss. Vaishnavi Kale
Miss. Sanjana Jadon
Miss. Mallika Dhillon
Mast. Ankit Gupta
Miss. Anuja Bhadoria
Mast. Sundaram Dubey
Mast. Sidhhant Jain

May your Dreams take WIngs

We will blog our activities related to our ICT Seagulls 2010 project ICT-Dream.

We wish your dreams grow wings and sore to heights from where you may see this whole world in one sight!

Keep visiting

- ICT Seagulls 'Dream'